Almond Park
Almond Park permanent orienteering courses can be accessed by parking at Craigshill Mall car park (OS grid ref. NT065680) and walking c.750 metres southeast to reach the start (red triangle) and finish (red double circle). The start and finish are close to postcode EH54 5LG. The maps can be downloaded from this British Orienteering website.
There are three suggested courses otherwise you can select the All Controls map and create your own course or visit all controls as quickly as possible:
Course 1 (Yellow) = c.1.3km. Very short simple course for beginners or families with small children. Might take c.20 - 30 minutes.
Course 2 (Orange) = c.2.4km. Slightly further (short to medium length) and requires some more navigation, but still relatively easy. Might take c.45 minutes.
Course 3 (Light Green) = c.3.7km. A longer course (medium length) and hillier, with even more navigation, so take time to read the map and plan your route with care. An experienced orienteer might take 30 minutes and a less experienced person 60+ minutes.
Map 4 (All Controls) = A map of all controls so that experienced orienteers can plan their own course or choose to visit all controls.
For further information about the local club, Interlopers, go to or contact the secretary at
All Controls | FREE | |
Light Green | FREE | |
Orange | FREE | |
Yellow | FREE |
All Controls | FREE | |
Light Green | FREE | |
Orange | FREE | |
Yellow | FREE |
Maps MAY also available from the Ranger Service at Visitor Centres at Beecraigs Country Park (Tel: 01506 284516, option 1) and Almondell & Calderwood Country Park (Tel: 01506 882254). It’s always best if people can ring the Visitor Centres in advance to check map stocks are available.
Interlopers has a limited stock of printed maps. If you would like to obtain any, please contact
Why not visit Livingston's main retail centre (The Centre Livingston) with lots of great shops, cinemas, coffee shops, etc.