Cammo Estate

This area is a public park managed by the City of Edinburgh Council, with a visitor centre. Cammo was at one time a country estate, and the ruined stables can still be seen, as well as the remains of the big house and walled garden. In the south of the map, there is an old water tower by a small hill. The area includes open grassy fields, extensive mature woodland and farmland which is sometimes ploughed. There are some water features – a long artificial lake and streams, and the area is rich in wildlife.

Parking: Park in Cammo Road.  Grid Ref: NT178749 What3words: loads.among.poet

Start and Finish by the Lodge (Cammo Visitor Centre)


Updated map for 2024 with the new wetland complex and boardwalk available to download in the  VOC Details section

Parkland with a good network of tracks, You can also walk down the River Almond to Cramond.

NB In the summer it is possible that some of the posts may become obscured by undergrowth, but you can use the MapRun app on a smartphone which will beep. See the VOC Details panel

More information about the Estate can be found here

NB In the summer it is possible that some of the posts may become obscured by undergrowth, but you can use the MapRun app on a smartphone which will beep. See the VOC Details panel

Courses - see the free Control description download above for details



Length (km)

Course description

Safety issues




A simple course for beginners and families with small children

Cammo is a pleasant safe parkland area, with very little climb on any of the courses.

It is popular with dog-walkers so be aware you may meet these.




Longer than course 1 but not much more difficult




This course needs careful map reading and distance judgement to locate controls which are not on paths.


Scatter  (All Controls)

Make up your own course!

Some paths wheelchair friendly.

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Available Maps
Cammo All Controls (Scatter) MapFREE
Cammo Control DescriptionsFREE
Go to Checkout
Further Information
Region: Scotland
Nearest Town: Edinburgh
Postcode: EH4 8EE
Carpark: EH4 8EE
At least one wheelchair accessible route
Suitable for beginners
Suitable for intermediate orienteerers
Available Maps
Cammo All Controls (Scatter) MapFREE
Cammo Control DescriptionsFREE
Go to Checkout
Cammo Tower , Credit: Crawford Lindsay
Cammo East Avenue , Credit: Crawford Lindsay
Cammo Canal  , Credit : Crawford Lindsay
Cammo North Field ,  Credit: Crawford Lindsay
Cammo Northern Field in Winter,  Credit: Crawford Lindsay
Maps Available From

Maps packs (paper or digital) can be obtained by emailing  ESOC. Donations will be welcome via online banking (details on request)


VOC Details

The following VOCs (using the POC posts) are available as Maprun courses on a mobile phone (see table in main information panel for course details). Other VOCs will be added soon. Full instructions for accessing/using the MAPrun software can be found here

There is a 2-step process

1. On MaprunF or Maprun6 click on Select Event then navigate to UK->Scotland->Edinburgh->Cammo and then select the Course you want (See table below). Click on Go to Start to see map on your phone

2. Download map as a PDF from the Scottish Orienteering website, link for each course in the table below. Print this off to carry with you.


Maprun course names

Download map link


Cammo POC Course 1



Cammo POC Course 2



Cammo POC Course 3



Cammo Scatter

Cammo scatter

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